
International Council for Central and East European Studies 10th World Congress

Virtual, 5 August 2021

Nighttime Lights in the Donbas Title Slide

University of Texas at Dallas, Master’s Research Project Presentations

Virtual, 14 May 2021

Nighttime Lights in the Donbas: Modeling Conflict Migration Patterns in Ukraine Using Satellite Imagery
See updated version above.

University of Texas at Dallas, Advanced GIS Final Presentations

Virtual, 12 May 2021

Nighttime Lights in the Donbas: Modeling Conflict Migration Patterns in Ukraine Using Satellite Imagery
See updated version above.

University of Texas at Dallas, Demographic and Epidemiological Analysis and Modeling Final Presentations

Virtual, 11 May 2021

Dallas ISD School Attendance Zone Demographic Analysis

University of Texas at Dallas, GIS Day Poster Competition drawing

Virtual, 18 November 2020

Nighttime Lights in the Donbas (Open poster as PDF)
Nighttime Lights in the Donbas Poster

University of Texas at Dallas, Advanced Data Programming Final Presentations

Virtual, Recorded Live, 5 August 2020

University of Texas at Dallas, Geospatial Sciences Workshop Final Presentations

Virtual, Recorded Live, 3 August 2020

Predicting Oil Well Yields in Russia

University of Texas at Dallas, GIS Programming Final Presentations

Virtual, Pre-Recorded, 7 May 2020

Hospital Locator using Python, ArcPy, ArcGIS (Open video in new tab)

SkillSharing Festival / Фестиваль Вмінь

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 16 March 2019

Data Analysis and Interpretation / Аналіз та Інтерпретація Даних IF SkillSharing Flyer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Research Analysts’ Brown Bag

Dallas, Texas, 20 June 2018

Lessons from Panel Microdata

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Research Analysts’ Brown Bag

Dallas, Texas, 9 June 2017

Applications for Data in Research, Part 1: Maps
Applications for Data in Research, Part 2: Balkans

University of Alabama Manderson Graduate School of Business, Capstone Project Presentations

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 27 April 2016

War and Trade in Ukraine (Open slideshow)

Midwest Political Science Association 74th Annual Conference

Chicago, Illinois, 7-10 April 2016

The Shadow of the Kremlin: The Effect of Communist Political Legacy on a State’s Present-Day Political Discrimination against Minorities (Open poster as PDF) Shadow of the Kremlin Poster

University of Alabama, Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 16 April 2013

Legislative Signaling and the Democratic Peace (Open poster as PDF) Legislative Signaling and the Democratic Peace Poster